Rabbi Shabbat Greetings
Shabbat Greetings
Once again, we start at the beginning of the Torah with B’reishit (Genesis 1:1-6:8), the story of the creation of everything that exists. This portion covers a lot, starting with Creation and ending…
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Allow me to share the significance of building the Sukkah, particularly how it connects our indoor and outdoor environments. There are many traditional guidelines regarding the Sukkah’s size and dimensions, emphasizing architectural details.…
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I had a fight with a friend this past year. I gave some feedback on something he did that I thought would be helpful. He took it in a way…
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On this first Shabbat of 5785, we read the portion, Ha’azinu (Deuteronomy 32:1-52), the final portion of the Torah read before the upcoming festival of Simchat Torah. This text features a song…
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Here we are, the last Shabbat of 5784 – what an incredible and challenging year we’ve had. This week’s double Torah portion, Nitzavim-Vayelech (Deuteronomy 29:9-31:30) brings us almost to the end of the book…
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This week’s Torah portion, Ki Tavo (Deuteronomy 26:1-29:8), contains a long list of curses. It lists virtually every awful thing that can happen to a human being. These curses are the punishment if…
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Hamas is widely recognized as a terrorist organization by various countries and international bodies. It is known for its militant activities and has been involved in conflicts with Israel, including…
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I am comfortable with being uncomfortable. Whether it’s on a journey in a new place when I do not know the area or even teaching something I just mastered the knowledge of,…
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This week’s portion, Re’eh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17) is, like the rest of Deuteronomy, one long soliloquy by Moses as his final act before he dies. It opens with, See, this day I set before you…
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I read in an article that Chef Kwame Onwuachi shares that in rural Nigeria if you want a 10-piece chicken wing bucket, you have to raise five chickens. I read…
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