Women of Temple Shalom

Women of Temple Shalom. Without you we are one woman short.

WTS Membership DUES

Upcoming Events


Marketing Coordinator: Heather Berke
Financial Advisor: Kendal Karten 
Senior Advisor: Karen Rosenberg 
Mitzvah Coordinator: Mindy Doherty
Hospitality Coordinator: Sari Orloff 

The Women of Temple Shalom invite you to join with us!Women of Reformed Judaism Logo

The Women of Temple Shalom is part of the global connection of the Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ).

Our deeds are a collaborative effort of dedicated individuals within the Temple Shalom community, providing financial, spiritual, educational, and emotional resources. Our guiding principle is to be cognizant of women’s issues and perspectives; to build bridges within the temple, the surrounding community, Israel, and all Jews; and to always be mindful that Torah is our guide.

While Women of Temple Shalom is a no-dues organization for temple members, we welcome and are grateful for donations that directly support the WTS programs and activities. 

Membership Dues: $40/Adults and Guests, or $20/Seniors

Click the yellow button to pay by credit card via Shul Cloud.
If you prefer to pay by check, please make your check payable specifically to: WOMEN OF TEMPLE SHALOM (not just Temple Shalom) and either drop it off in the Temple office or mail it to: 5 Ayrmont Lane, Aberdeen, NJ 07747.

We support several community activities throughout the year, including:

  • Backpacks and healthy snacks to Backpack Buddies
  • School supplies to needy school children
  • Hundreds of dollars to the Cancer Society through our annual participation in the Making Strides Walk
  • Break fast food for Yom Kippur Ne’ilah
  • Apples for Sukkot
  • Torah scrolls and flags for Simchat Torah
  • Gelt and dreidels to our religious school students for Chanukah

Within Temple Shalom, we:

  • Gifts for the B’nai Mitzvah students.
  • Sponsor a Miracle of Oil Drive for Chanukah. Last year, more than 25 gallons of ‘liquid gold’ were delivered to the local food bank.
  • Bake hamentashen to give to our students and local senior centers.
  • Lead a food drive at the Purim Shpiel, “Pasta for Purim,” where boxes of mac and cheese are used as groggers and then donated to families in need.

We support our connection to Judaism:

  • Book Club – coming together to discuss the book, its Jewish connection and our individual interpretations.
  • Sunshine Club – we support all of our members through the good and the troubled times in our lives.
  • Gathering – we meet regularly through out the year and share meals, play games, listen to speakers and enjoy celebrations.

If any of our work speaks to you, come get involved with the Women of Temple Shalom. Contribute to these important efforts, and strengthen your temple, community and world. Without you, we’re one woman short.

Connect with Us

Deb Ross, Director