
Ever since our beginnings in 1963, we have fostered the belief that Temple Shalom can be your second home!

We are pleased to offer a reduced rate of $360 for the first year of membership for anyone new to the Temple Shalom Community!  (membership includes High Holy Day Tickets)

Are you looking to join a Reform Jewish Congregation?

If you have any questions, or would like to know more about our Temple, please contact our Membership Liaison.

Benefits of Membership

There are many benefits that come with joining Temple Shalom:

  • Children are included in your membership
  • High Holiday tickets to all services
  • Clergy is available to you for any family life cycle events
  • Your voice matters; as a temple member you have a vote at our annual congregational meeting and can participate in any committee(s) throughout the year
  • Most importantly, you will be connected to other Reform Jews to celebrate good times with, comfort each other in the sad times, and collect a lifetime of memories

Make Temple Shalom your second home today!

Membership Categories & Dues

  • Two Adult Family (2 adults in a household with or without children): $236/month
  • One Adult Family (1 adult in a household with or without children): $142/month
  • Two Adult Senior Family (2 adults, at least one who is 65 or older, in a household with or without children): $166/month
  • One Adult Senior Family (1 adult, 65 or older, with or without children): $83/month
  • Friends of Temple Shalom (prior members of Temple Shalom who now live outside of our area): $30/month
  • All new members are $360 for the first year.
If there is a need for financial assistance, please call our Temple office.