25 Cheshvan 5780

By templenj | November 22, 2019

November 22, 2019 I am honored and blessed to serve this sacred community of Temple Shalom of Aberdeen these past 20 plus years. It is a blessing to visit with…

18 Cheshvan 5780

By templenj | November 15, 2019

November 15, 2019 This week, in Parashat Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24), Avimelech, king of Gerar, faces a threat to himself and his household. Abraham enters the town and repeats his prior ill-fated decision…

11 Cheshvan 5780

By templenj | November 8, 2019

November 8, 2019 Abraham was a traveler on a liberating path marked by potholes. He was commanded by God: “Lech lecha. Go. Go to yourself. Leave who you were behind,…

Shabbat Night Live!

By Karen Rosenberg | October 29, 2019

The Alan J. Malinger Rock Shabbat Fund, established by Dennis and Phyllis Malinger, in loving memory of their brother, and father of Rabbi Laurence Malinger, presents an inspiring line up…

Flip Give Logo

Shop with FLIPGIVE

By Karen Rosenberg | September 27, 2019

The Religious School has initiated a new and exciting fundraising venture named FlipGive. If you are either a casual or a committed on-line shopper, this is for you. FlipGive has…

14 Elul 5779

By templenj | September 13, 2019

Our challenge nowadays: How can we balance all the things that we want to do and all the things that we want to be at the same time? If a…

Temple Shalom Holiday Services 2019

By templenj | August 22, 2019

Temple Shalom Congregants’ Tickets: Service tickets are open to all members of Temple Shalom who are current with financial obligations through August 31, 2019. They will be automatically mailed out…

27 Iyar 5779

By templenj | May 31, 2019

Once upon time, there was a meeting in a synagogue. Like many meetings in a synagogue, it was getting heated! It happened in this week, the week when the Torah…