Shabbat Greetings
This Shabbat, we begin the fourth book of the Torah – Bemidbar (Numbers 1:1-4:20), or Numbers. This book is the metamorphosis of the Children of Israel into a real Nation. …
Shabbat Greetings
This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day. Have you heard the one about how many Jewish mothers it takes to change a light bulb? “That’s O.K.,” the Jewish mother says, “I’ll…
Shabbat Greetings
Our portion this week, Emor (Leviticus 21:1-24:23), deals with many commandments, the largest part relates to Jewish laws of the priestly class who served God in the Temple. One of these…
Shabbat Greetings
This week we celebrated Yom Hazikaron (Memorial Day) and Yom Ha`atzma’ut (Independence Day) in Israel. Unlike in America, Memorial day is intrinsically connected to Independence day, one following immediately upon the heels of…
WTS Y.E.S. Fund
Please make a donation to the Women of Temple Shalom Y.E.S. (Youth, Education, Special Projects) Fund, to honor this year’s graduation/confirmation class. Donations can be made here.
Social Action Committee Diaper Drive
Please donate to the Temple Shalom Social Action Committee’s annual diaper drive that supports the Central Jersey Diaper Bank. Please contact Ruth Queen for any questions or to schedule a…
Classes: Counting of the Omer
Counting the Omer – An Exploration of the Jewish People’s Transformation Wednesdays – 12 pm EST April 12 – May 24, 2023 Join us as we mark the journey our…
Shabbat Greetings
This week, we read a double Torah portion, Tazria Metzora (Leviticus 12:1-15:33) and we welcome the new month of Iyar. The portion which includes in it a challenging description of Tzara’at a…
Sephardic Shabbat Service on April 21
Join us on Friday, April 21, at 7:30pm, as we celebrate a special “Sephardic Shabbat” service, with guest speaker Dr. Alberto Barugel. In addition, we will be welcoming our new…
Mitzvah Day
Come join us on Sunday, May 7, beginning at 9:30am, for Mitzvah Day. There are numerous ways in which you can help.
Shabbat Greetings
Are we allowed to wonder about God’s actions? Are we allowed to suggest that God may be acting unfairly? This coming week on Monday, April 17 at 7:30 pm, we will…
Shabbat Greetings
The Haggadah (the Passover book that we use at the seder) tells of our people’s journey from the suffering of slavery to our wild, sea-splitting-open redemption. Around the seder table…