Shabbat Greetings

This week’s portion, Re’eh (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17) is, like the rest of Deuteronomy, one long soliloquy by Moses as his final act before he dies. It opens with, See, this day I set before you…

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Caring Committee Scholarship

SCHOLARSHIP RULES AND GUIDELINES INSTRUCTIONS Please review the following instructions carefully and submit via email to no later than October 20, 2024. Funding provided by donations to the Natalie Rubin Caring…

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Shabbat Greetings

I read in an article that Chef Kwame Onwuachi shares that in rural Nigeria if you want a 10-piece chicken wing bucket, you have to raise five chickens.  I read…

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Shabbat Greetings

This shabbat is a unique shabbat. It is called “Shabbat Nachamu” – the Shabbat of Consolation. After three weeks of sadness, and Tuesday’s fasting and mourning for the destruction of the Holy…

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Shabbat Greetings

Some would say that this Shabbat is a Shabbat of opportunities.  First of all, we begin the final book of the Torah, Devarim, Deuteronomy, which is also this week’s Torah portion…

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WTS Summer Mixer

Come join the Women of Temple Shalom for their annual Summer Mixer. It’s being held on August 12, at 6:00PM at Adrienne Friedman’s home. Please RSVP here. For any questions,…

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Shabbat Greetings

Monday will be Rosh Chodesh Av– it’s the beginning of the second to last month of the year in the Hebrew calendar.  That may not mean much to you, but to your…

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