About Temple Shalom
We are a Reform Jewish congregation opening gateways to Jewish living, learning, worship and community.
We strengthen our commitment to Jewish education, values and ethics through communal worship, individual prayer and life-long study of Torah. We strive to interpret the meaning of Torah and adapt our faith through on going learning and reflection.
Our Reform Jewish congregation is an integral part of our community, both socially and spiritually. We are dedicated to "tikkun olam", the repairing of our world, as we encourage advocacy in issues affecting our community, our nation and global society. It is our responsibility to perform loving deeds and assist individuals and organizations in time of need.
We encourage and cultivate our youth to become the future leaders of our community, our congregation and of the Reform Movement. We are committed to maintaining a vibrant and viable Jewish community for future generations.
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This Shabbat we begin the second book of the Torah, Exodus or as it is also known in…
Keep ReadingTemple Shalom and New Light Baptist Community Church proudly announce our annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King,…
Keep ReadingThis week’s Torah portion, Vayechi (Genesis 47:28-50:26), marks the conclusion of the Book of Genesis. As Jacob lies…
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Upcoming Events
MLK Shabbat Evening Service
Join us as part of our annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as we come together to honor Dr. King's legacy and teachings. Reverend Edna Wiley of New…
Joint MLK Service
Join with us as part of our annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as we come together to honor Dr. King's legacy and teachings. Rabbi Laurence Malinger will…
Brotherhood Membership Lunch – NFL Playoff
To reserve your spot, please RSVP here.
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