Brotherhood Baseball Game
Brotherhood is attending a Jersey Shore Blueclaws baseball game on August 5. If you wish to join the fun, you can register and purchase tickets here.
Shabbat Greetings
Our portion this week opens right after the priest, Pinchas (Numbers 25:10-30:1), has committed a vigilante act and has executed an Israelite prince, along with his Midianite girlfriend, for having…
WTS Summer Mixer
The Women of Temple Shalom is hosting a summer mixer on August 3, from 7:00 – 9:00pm. If you wish to attend, please RSVP here.
Shabbat Greetings
Every so often, I learn something very surprising, something that I had no idea to be the case. Here’s an example: Those of you who have lived in the New…
Shabbat Greetings
The double Torah portion this week, Chukat-Balak (Numbers 19:1-25:9) offers us two distinct perspectives through which we may view our present circumstances, as Jews, and as Americans preparing to celebrate our nation’s…
Shabbat Greetings
This portion (Korach – Numbers 16:1-18:32) tells of the famous challenge of Korach and his camp in their confrontation with Moses and Aaron. In the end they are swallowed up…
Shabbat Greetings
Grasshoppers!. Our Torah portion this week, Shelach Lecha (Numbers 13:1-15:41), emphasizes that we saw ourselves as grasshoppers. Moses is commanded to send out twelve scouts to scout out the promised land.…
Religious School Registration is Open
Registration for religious school, for the 2023-2024 school year, is now open. If you have an existing ShulCloud account, you can complete registration online here. If you’re interested in learning…
Social Action Committee Summer Food Drive
Temple Shalom’s Social Action Committee is running a summer food drive to benefit two local food pantries. Details are below. Please email Rachel MacAulay with any questions.
Shabbat Greetings
I would be willing to bet that most people, when asked what the symbol of the state of Israel is, they would respond “the Magen David – the Star of…
Shabbat Greetings
As shared in last week’s Shabbat Greetings, we repeat our portion, Naso (Numbers 4:21-7:89), so that we can stay in sync with the Diaspora reading. Israel’s weekly Torah portions will…
Shabbat Greetings
Last night and today, we celebrate the festival of Shavuot. We, like many Reform congregations in the Diaspora, follow a Festival calendar that is similar to that of the land…