
Membership in Temple Shalom is a covenantal relationship. The Temple has responsibilities to each and every one of our members, just as every member bears responsibilities to their Temple community.

This includes supporting the congregation financially, finding a way to share your passion and talent and reaching out when members of our community need help. Together, we have an opportunity and privilege to help shape Temple Shalom as a place where our Jewish memories are made, where our rich and abiding heritage is passed from generation to generation, and a place where we feel the strength and comfort of a community.

Temple Officers

  • Gail Loonan


  • Wayne Christie

    Executive Vice President

  • Dorothy Lake

    Vice President

  • Andy Fryefield

    Administrative Secretary

  • Ruth Queen

    Recording Secretary

  • Mark Quinn


  • Jessica Sammut

    Immediate Past President

Contact Our Leadership

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Join a Temple Committee

Temple Shalom is primarily run by volunteers who serve as our officers, trustees, and as chairs and committee members. They find great reward volunteering their time and value how the experience brings them closer to others in our community. Committees actively seek new members and future leadership.

Whether you serve on a committee or help plan for a special event or program, we  benefit from your participation. Check out the individual committee pages and find the right fit for you. Make Temple Shalom stronger and increase your sense of belonging by joining a committee today. See you at Temple!