Social Action
The Social Action Committee leads Temple Shalom’s commitment to “pursuing justice and working together to create a better world” as it is central to who we are as individuals and as community,” (Union for Reform Judaism.) Whether feeding the hungry, helping the disadvantaged or raising our communal voices against social or economic injustice; whether focused on community, state national or worldwide inequities. Our outreach efforts provide invaluable physical, emotional, intellectual, and ethical sustenance for all involved.
Many of our Temple’s activities have made a significant difference in the lives of families in our community. Our projects have included:
- Super Storm Sandy disaster distribution center
- Backpack Buddies weekend food for school children
- High Holiday Food Drive helping to restock 3 local food banks
- Reading Buddies for school age children
- Gan Tikvah, our Garden of Hope, together with Temple Beth Ahm, providing fresh vegetables to the Matawan United Methodist Church’s food bank
- Mitzvah Day
- Martin Luther King Joint weekend services with the choirs from Temple Shalom and The New Light Baptist Church
- Environment justice programs, with food and water works
- Candidate Night
Your participation is always welcome. We encourage all temple members to reach out and share your ideas and passions with us. You are invited to attend any or all of the programs to make the world a better place for everyone. Please email Rachel MacAulay for more information.