The post Bnai-Mitzvah years are all about making connections....
Students in 8th & 9th grade begin to connect prior learning to Judaism in their world and their lives. They are adults in the Jewish community and are encouraged to connect to other Jewish teens, to other arms of the Temple Shalom community and to the interfaith world in which they live to help them find their Jewish path. The students will earn credits by attending class and participating in the community and/or worship experiences of their choice. They will have opportunities to join with teens from other synagogues for retreats, social action projects, Shabbatons and more.
Our 10th grade students will study with Rabbi Malinger for one hour and select from our electives the other hour while also continuing to earn Temple Shalom Community Connection credits. Their studies will include a trip to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism’s (RAC’s) L’Taken Seminar in Washington DC. This required trip helps students to understand the political process and the Reform Jewish stance on many issues facing our legislators. The students will end the year participating in a Confirmation Service.