35 events found.
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- There were no results found for "Shabbat Night Live" this month.
Calendar of Events
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- There were no results found for "Shabbat Night Live" this month.
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- There are no events on this day.
- There are no events on this day.
Here is the updated text for the Social Action section: If you’d rather I put it in a word document let me know…
Social Action
The Social Action Committee leads Temple Shalom’s commitment to “pursuing justice and working together to create a better world” as it is central to who we are as individuals and as a community (Union for Reform Judaism.) This includes feeding the hungry, helping the disadvantaged, and raising our communal voices against social or economic injustice wherever they occur: in our community, state, nation, or world. Our outreach efforts provide invaluable physical, emotional, intellectual, and ethical sustenance for all involved.
Many of our Temple’s activities have made a significant difference in the lives of families in our community. Our recent projects have included:
Backpack Buddies weekend food for school children
High Holiday Food Drive helping to restock 3 local food pantries
Gan Tikvah, our Garden of Hope, maintained together with Temple Beth Ahm, providing fresh vegetables to the Matawan United Methodist Church’s food pantry
Mitzvah Day
Martin Luther King Joint weekend services with the choirs from Temple Shalom and The New Light Baptist Church
Beach clean-up
Sneaker collection/recycling
Joint presentation with Caring Committee on Human Trafficking
Furthermore, as we look to the next decade, we have signed a Brit Olam with the Union for Reform Judaism—a covenant for justice for congregations to step into deeper, more systemic social justice work. We plan to actively address inequalities among one or more issue cohorts: racial justice, immigrant rights, women’s reproductive rights, environmental justice, and gun reform.
Your participation is always welcome. We encourage all temple members to reach out and share your ideas and passions with us. You are invited to attend any or all of the programs to make the world a better place for everyone. Please email Rachel MacAulay for more information.
This page has two different versions of the "about us"…Karen, which is better to use?
Please use the text from here
Please use this text
Can use pics of Rabbi and Cantor, will get pics of Gale and Jen for you.
should say:
Friday, Erev Shabbat Services: 7:45 pm (except the 1st Friday night of the month).
Kabbalat Shabbat Services: 1st Friday night of the month – 6:30 pm followed by Shabbat dinner as a community. Reservations required via kabbalatrsvp@gmail.com.
Underneath Morning Service should say:
10:30 am, September – June
9:15 am, July and August
Check out this google doc Karen worked on as it also lists some special services/series
Can we get the most recent placed here, once we are ready to go live and then instruct Jen to update each week…
Would like to see different pictures for each category on this page that are reflective of the specific category. Please see
Updated Text:
Ways and Means
The Ways and Means Committee is committed to raising funds for necessary congregational purposes that do not include membership dues, building fund fees or other assessments. Here at Temple Shalom we believe that we can best achieve this goal by sponsoring events, activities and community programs that are relevant to our temple members and community neighbors.
Our committee reaches out to volunteer members of our congregation who have a passion for a particular area or who have an expertise and asks them to “help us make this fundraiser a real success”.
Ellen Lafargue (ellenlafargue@gmail.com)
change "at" to "or" the temple office in the last sentence.
Use this updated text
Please switch ToSTY Tweens and ToSTY to be in "grade order"
Also, will be sending pics to put on the page
Change contact info:
Co-Chair Sam Shapanka: 908-601-0484, shapankaline5@optonline.net
Co-Chair Evan Ross: 732-637-5246, evanross4321@gmail.com
Yes, that was the intention. All current images are FPO. Please indicate which images in the resource folder represent each group/committee/subject
Yes, all updated posts can be imported from the live site before launch. New posts should be added as needed and will populate here, the homepage and news if categorized correctly.
This has been updated.
This has been updated.
The order has been updated.
This update has been made.
Actually I just added a more up to date, from the committee chair, version. It’s in the google file.
please add the calendar that is in the google file to this page as a clickable link
Can we change the color of "drop down" menus to the light blue that’s near the bottom of the page? I’m not loving the purple…
Definitely NEED Karen to review this page!!
Definitely want pictures on this page…carousel of ones from membership events maybe?
Under About it says Life Events but on the actual page it says Lifecycle Events…I can’t figure out where to change the dropdown menu text, so can you please change that to say "Lifecycle Events"
Added the new text, would like to see this page not look so wordy, maybe break it up with pictures?
Would the Calendar still be used? Or just link back to the beautiful new interactive calendar?
Please imbed the email addresses so these are clickable or it could be just the names that are clickable and get rid of the listed email addresses.
Karen—what do you think of putting a clickable donate link on this page, as well as any other (brotherhood, tosty etc) that have membership dues? Like you have on the WTS page?
There is only camp Shalom NOT Camp Shalom Jr and the others listed here.
I took out Camp Shalom Jr (and it’s link) as we only have Camp Shalom not the other categories…
Camp Shalom is Pre-K – grade 2
I’m not sure where to edit these labels
Links are incorrect to all of these separate categories if I go to the ‘learn more” button, they’re correct in the drop down menu at the top
Classes meet every Sunday, needs to be changed
I don’t know what I touched but I messed up this page…I am so sorry!!!!! All I wanted was to add pre K
In our recommended Architecture, we recommended saying "Life Events" rather than "lifecycle" because we felt that a lay person would better understand what was being discussed. "lifecycle" was the term used on the previous site, so it was the official page title. That title was displayed by default. We updated to a custom title to avoid the confusion.
Beaver Builder was deactivated for the page. I just hit to edit with Beaver Builder and all formatting was restored.
I selected purple as part of the palette and to be the “action” color. As blue would be used an accent throughout, I didn’t want it to be all the “clickable” items as well. You’ll see the buttons are all purple. This creates a pattern and more clarity for the user. As purple also had symbolic meaning in Judaism, we thought it was an appropriate addition. We can change the color to something else, but it will apply everywhere the purple is currently used. Do you have any other thoughts?
These would be added to the main calendar and pulled as a list from there to display on this page.
So is the text on the page the final content as desired? We can certainly dress up the layout. We will be adding the calendar of events. Are there "Brotherhood" photos tagged in Drive?
Place The Events Calendar on this page. No Google Calendar display
These have been corrected. The button settings are at the bottom of the hover tab at the top of the info banner edit page
If you click the wrench to edit the module the title is under the general tab of the interactive banner
Which is banner is this associated with? Religious school? The description can be changed under the hover tab when editing the module
This has been corrected
thank you!
Shouldn't this be, Classes meet every Sunday…
I just commented on this in Religious school. OK. Will update text.
YES! Pre-K – 2 meets twice a month but 3-7 is every Sunday.
Please fix. 🙂
Also, I think it should spell out "twice a month" not 2 times a month under camp shalom.
Jessica, we should have photos on this page. They have the most fun!
We should also put in the class times. I know Hebrew High is Mondays. Is post confirm the same? Is this where Nfty stuff should go???
I added pics of both Jenn and Gale but probably need to edit their placement to be in line with Cantor and Rabbi's pictures.
Added some drivers to guide users to what they might be interested in next. Ok? Any other changes to this page needed at this time?
Updated layout. Added actionable buttons.
Have folder of images, will process for carousel and post when ready
Assuming all content is now updated and correct?
Will review latest images to add additional visuals
Has this been addressed?
Yes, the calendar has been updated with most events through July 1
Yes, text is final. Can you bring the last paragraph up to be above the photo carousel? Also, can the names of officers be clickable links with their email addresses? (in google docs text)
We should not be publishing email address – leads to tons of spam and is not trackable. The form placed on this page will route to each officers email if that is what the user wishes. See “Please Connect me with” drop down.
I did not want to put the photos at the bottom as they get ignored and don’t add to the story. Intention was to end layout with an action.
See images have changed – is this complete?
Yes….looks good!
Yes, these images are good to go. 🙂
Ok…sounds good. Thanks!
This page has Confirmation Program highlighted to click to a different page but it doesn’t take you to a page specifically for Confirmation…
Actually it does…BUT on the dropdown menu for Education we say Hebrew High (8-10) and then we have Post Confirmation (11-12). That is in fact TRUE but we separate out Confirmation Program on both the "home" education page and the Hebrew High page…
To clarify, Hebrew High is grades 8-10, the confirmation program is during the 10th grade year. Post Confirmation is for 11-12 grades…. This probably should be designed simpler, concise…as part of the new design ideas…
Just clicked on the donate button on this specific page which was a search results page and it sent me to a page with an error code saying the email address for the paypal account was incorrect. Paypal link works on the donate page but not this one where it's a side bar
Hooray! Figured out how to post the Shabbat Greetings and put them in different places on the website. Yay!
I may have this wrong, but when I read the content originally, I assumed that High School = Confirmation; that 8-10 would be studying this topic. That’s why the navigation was set up the way it was.
If the confirmation program is in fact separate, then we should clarify that point. However, if they are the same – all content should be consolidated here. And the links to a confirmation page should be eliminated.
Is there any additional information about this event? Anywhere to link to?
Here perhaps? https://templeshalomnj.org/event/wts-chanukah-shop/
We’ll edit the search results template. A donate form is probably not appropriate here.
yes, you can link to calendar. You’ll need to show me how to do that.
To edit the button, go to the "Hover" tab and scroll all the way to the bottom, there’s Edit button settings – you can add there